MESSAGE FROM THE PEOPLE OF UKRAINE (The will to declare a ban on the sale of our Ukrainian land!)
13 сентября 2019, 06:00
(The will to declare a ban on the sale of our Ukrainian land!)
(The will to declare a ban on the sale of our Ukrainian land!)
It is time openly declare your will! Join us, friends!
Let's take action: create your beautiful future together!

This Message to the authorities of Ukraine with additions, including a letter to the international community.
We invite patriots (who love their Fatherland and people), activists, responsible people and all people of good will, that care what will happen to our national wealth - the Ukrainian land - please support this Message.
Let us engage in direct self-government or learn from it - independently (individually or with a group of like-minded people), spreading this Message through the Internet, mass media, printing it, collect signatures from citizens and sending to the authorities of Ukraine, including the international community.
To the president of Ukraine to Vladimir Zelensky, deputies of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, to other public servants of public and organs of local self-government authorities, and also international association and other interested persons.
DIRECT WILL of the Ukrainian people, as the bearer of sovereignty and sole source of power in Ukraine, as the sole owner of all national wealth of Ukraine (including the land and its natural resources), as well as each individual citizen as a representative of the people of Ukraine - source of power and as a co-owner of this national wealth:
«WE, THE PEOPLE of UKRAINE (citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities), we RESOLUTELY PUT THE PROHIBITION ON THE SALE OF OUR Native LAND!»…
(Note: Download Word Printable Messages in version from 13.09.2019, with additions from 14.10.2019, including the Message to the international association:
- in English
- in Ukraninan
- in Russian
Dear friends, citizens of Ukraine, Ukrainians! This letter was born as an answer of the Soul to the statement of President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky, regarding the adoption a lift the moratorium on land sales.
And it is very important for the President of Ukraine and other representatives of the authorities to know the people`s opinion and will and act accordingly. After all, they are our chosen ones and represent our interests. And if we are silent, how they will be able to guess people`s will? In the fact, they are for the people.
The main purpose of the President is to hear, to know the will of the people and fulfill it. Even the figurative name of his party - «Servant of the People» - clearly says, reflects the essence of reality.
The Light and our pure thoughts are with us! No water flows under a lying stone - we have to act! And each of us, friends, is the Creator Man! And we are all together - a powerful Creating Power! Let's believe in our strengths and abilities! We are the PEOPLE! We are the masters and children of our Mother Earth! And we should hope - only for ourselves! And only we can save ourselves! Dear Friends, if has been born the response in your Souls to this Message, please support and spread it wherever you can!
THIS DREAM IS THE BASIS OF THIS LETTER: these letters will be scattered throughout the regions and areas of Ukraine... Most people will read them...
Everyone, who supports this Message, who is positively minded, who feels like a creator in this world and believes that in Life a lot depends from us, will spread this Message, print it or just on own behalf, or by collecting signatures from citizens of Ukraine, who support this Message, in the circle of relatives, friends and acquaintances on a separate letter, in addition to this Message - in support of our common, national will (with mandatory indication of the name, telephone, series and number of the passport of the citizen of Ukraine, place of residence and signatures by indicating the date). Fill form - see the Annex to the Letter. Your collaboration will be appreciated.
You can also collect signatures from neighbors on the staircase, entrance, house, street, settlement, colleagues at work etc.
Would be preferable not just to collect signatures, but to explain by the people that they, as citizens of Ukraine, are in fact the source of power and the owners of all the national wealth of Ukraine, including all land and its natural resources. To make people consciously sign this Message, understanding and feeling as the owners of Ukrainian land.
It is important, that the citizen of Ukraine who signs the document understands that he, as the owner (owner of the Ukrainian land), has given his servants (civil servants) natural resources, including land, to the management to increase the national wealth of the people of Ukraine, and these servants are empowered (obliged) to protect it, not to dispose of it by sale.
It is the same if you gave your car, which is in the joint (not partial) ownership of several Ukrainian citizens, for the benefit of their workers («servants»), and they want to sell your car without the consent of all co-owners, without having such authority.
The Conscious collection of signatures in Message will also assist an association and awakening the people`s Spirit.
Afterwards, these Letters with added signatures will be sent by the letters with the message: to the President, to the Office of the President of Ukraine (to the address: 11 Bankova Street, Kyiv, index: 01220), to Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (address: Grushevskogo St., 5, Kyiv, index: 01008) and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (address: 12/2 Grushevskogo str. (5th porch), Kiev, index: 01008)... and in various suggested directions
E-mails can be also sent. Please find several mail addresses of President Vladimir Zelensky:
Could be sent another e-mails to various authorities of the state power, including Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
And these letters from all regions and districts of our country will fly like birds - AND THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE WILL BE AFFIRMED! There will be many of these letters! And we, my friends, will do our great good deal for our Earth and our Families, for our happy future: BY SUPPORTING THESE MESSAGES WE ARE CREATING A POWERFUL BRIGHT COLLECTIVE THINKING, which will smoothly create our wonderful future. As a matter of fact, the image is alive! At the Energy level, it`s already there!
Another suggestion: as always, at 6 am (together with positive thoughts) lets dream of what is mentioned in the Message, and wish goodness and awareness to Vladimir Zelensky and other officials, to send to their souls Light and Love! With thanks to all of you, dear friends!
PLEASE FIND THE TEXT OF THE MESSAGE to the authorities of Ukraine (This is for sending to state authorities and local self-government bodies of Ukraine):
(The following is a MESSAGE to the international community, below according to the Annex on the Excerpts from the Constitution of Ukraine, which can be sent separately to various international organizations; it can also be attached to the authorities of Ukraine)
(The will to declare a ban on the sale of our Ukrainian land!)
(The will to declare a ban on the sale of our Ukrainian land!)
The President of Ukraine (post address: 11 Bankova Street, Kyiv, index: 01220),
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Grushevskogo St., 5, Kyiv, index: 01008)
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (12/2 Grushevskogo str. (5th entrance), Kiev, index: 01008),
to other officials of the state and local self-government bodies
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Grushevskogo St., 5, Kyiv, index: 01008)
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (12/2 Grushevskogo str. (5th entrance), Kiev, index: 01008),
to other officials of the state and local self-government bodies
DIRECT WILL of the Ukrainian people, as the bearer of sovereignty and sole source of power in Ukraine, as the sole owner of all national wealth of Ukraine (including the land and its natural resources), as well as each individual citizen as a representative of the people of Ukraine - source of power and as a co-owner of this national wealth:
«WE, THE PEOPLE of UKRAINE (citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities), we RESOLUTELY PUT THE PROHIBITION ON THE SALE OF OUR Native LAND!».
We rely on the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine (dated July 16, 1990), which formed the basis for the creation of the present Constitution of Ukraine, the «Declaration of Independence of Ukraine» (dated August 24, 1991), and directly on the Constitution of Ukraine (dated 28 July 1990). June 1996), as its Main Law, and use our LEGAL and INFRINGING RIGHT of the People of Ukraine!

* * *
From the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Ukraine (July 16, 1990):
(Note: according to the Declaration, the people of Ukraine are the sole source of power and the owner of all national wealth of Ukraine, including all land and its natural resources, since 1990. And according to the Constitution of Ukraine - since 1996.
And whoever ignores this Declaration, he ignores the state sovereignty of Ukraine, which is already a criminal offense).
«Citizens of the Republic of all nationalities constitute the people of Ukraine.
The people of Ukraine are the only source of state power in the Republic»,
«The people of Ukraine have the exclusive right to own and dispose the national wealth of Ukraine.
Land, its subsoil, air space, water and other natural resources that are within the territory of the Ukrainian SSR, the natural resources of its continental shelf and exclusive / marine / economic zone, all economic and scientific and technical potential created in the territory of Ukraine is theproperty of its people, the material basis of the sovereignty of the Republic and used for the purpose of providing material and spiritual needs of its citizens»,
«The territory of the Ukrainian SSR within the existing borders is inviolable and cannot be altered and used without its consent»,
«The Ukrainian SSR cares about the environmental safety of citizens, the gene pool of the people, its younger generation».
Detailed excerpts from the Constitution of Ukraine are attached below in the Appendix to the Message.
(Note: a careful and thoughtful study of the Constitution of Ukraine allows us to find many legal norms for securing and protecting the rights of primary power - the people, territorial communities.
Article 5 of the Constitution of Ukraine defines - the people are the only source of power (citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities), who exercise power directly and through the bodies of state power and local self-government bodies, as well as Art. 140 of the Constitution of Ukraine, - that local self-government is exercised by the territorial community (residents of the settlement) directly and through local self-government bodies.
Article 13 of the Constitution of Ukraine defines, that the land, resources ... are objects of property of the Ukrainian people (citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities). Article 142 of the Constitution of Ukraine – the land, resources... are owned by the territorial communities (residents of the settlement).
* * *
The Earth is the creation of God, it is our Mother, our Motherland! The Land is our familyl roots, it is our Strength and Power, Freedom and Will!
Earth is the bioenergy accumulator of information of every nation, that resides in the respective terrain. It is the healing power that nourishes each successive generation. This is the connection of the present with the past!
And THIS land, step by step, has been defended and protected from the enemy by our parents and ancestors! They gave their lives for HER! In our land - the blood of our ancestors!
...And to sell our native Land means to betray and sell own Mother, Motherland, own Family, own well-being and prosperity.
As a result: the sale of the native land is a crime against oneself, the voluntary sale of oneself, own Soul, the cutting of ancestral roots... Without the Land, you are nobody and nothing! The sale of the blessed land of Ukraine is the loss of Ukraine itself, instead the filling of the treasury of the state!..
We do not consent to the sale our land! The land of Ukraine is a holistic territory, our national heritage and wealth that is not for sale!
It's not a secret that Ukraine faces critical times… But the Heyday of the country will come! And it is not far away!
According to the wisdom of the people, coming from the centuries, we offer an alternative to the development of Ukraine - its Renaissance! - adopt a law on small homeland - generic estates: distribute the ukrainian land in fact to the Ukrainian people (to everyone) - a plot of land of 1 ha or slightly more free of charge, for life use, with the right of inheritance, without the right of sale, without taxation, where every willing person, his family, will create their own little homeland on the land they will protect, will be able to provide for themselves a safe and dignified existence, to grow eco-friendly products.
Such people will have the confidence in tomorrow, they will want - and will - give birth to healthy happy children! People will become creators! Such country will always prosper! This is a win-win development! In such country there will be always a Peace that is wanted by healthy, sensible people!
Only those who truly love our Land can take this step. The prosperity of Ukraine consists of the prosperity of each individual family! There is no other way!..
Already more than thousand families voluntarily equip their small homeland - generic estates, independently, without state support. And this idea became not only popular in Ukraine but also international. They organize their generic estates in Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, the Baltic States, Western Europe (for example: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Germany, France and others), the USA, Canada and many other countries.
It's not a secret that Ukraine faces critical times… But the Heyday of the country will come! And it is not far away!
According to the wisdom of the people, coming from the centuries, we offer an alternative to the development of Ukraine - its Renaissance! - adopt a law on small homeland - generic estates: distribute the ukrainian land in fact to the Ukrainian people (to everyone) - a plot of land of 1 ha or slightly more free of charge, for life use, with the right of inheritance, without the right of sale, without taxation, where every willing person, his family, will create their own little homeland on the land they will protect, will be able to provide for themselves a safe and dignified existence by growing growing eco-friendly products.
Such people will have the confidence in tomorrow, they will want - and will - give birth to healthy happy children! People will become creators! Such country will always prosper! This is a win-win development! In such country there will be always a Peace that is wanted by healthy, sensible people!
Only those who truly love our Land can take this step. The prosperity of Ukraine consists of the prosperity of each individual family! There is no other way!..
Already more than thousand families voluntarily equip their small homeland - generic estates, independently, without state support. And this idea became not only popular in Ukraine but also international. They organize their generic estates in Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, the Baltic States, Western Europe (for example: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Germany, France and others), the USA, Canada and many other countries.
The idea of a family estate is aimed, first of all, to the return the homeland, the revival of his family, the preservation the love in the families, the restoration of harmonious relations with nature, the Earth, between people, as well as the unification of the achievements of the technocratic world and the world of pure nature.
The family estate is one hectare of family land where you can plant a garden, forest, grow a garden, dig a pond, build a house, raise animals, bees, consciously give birth and raise happy children, live with your neighbors in friendship.
The family estate is a place where the family, by improving the environment, creates space for Love for themselves, their children, descendants and in memory of their ancestors.
The family estate provides basic human needs: clean water, natural food, fresh air, filled with beautiful aromas, pleasant rest, comfortable housing, spiritual communication with loved ones and nature, the possibility of creative self-realization etc.
Therefore, the family estate - a place of birth in which a man creates his own small homeland, the space of Love. The family estate - «I gather my whole family and place it here».
The essence of the idea of the family estate - a small homeland - in the art form is contained in the books of Vladimir Nikolaevich Megre (a native of Chernihiv region of Ukraine).
More details regarding the family estate, its economic, social and other justifications, find here

Dear President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, as well as other officials of state and local self-government bodies,
we are together, we are the PEOPLE OF UKRAINE, we all want to prosper with our native land with you!
Therefore, in order to support you, we summarize all of the above, analyzing and REALIZING the whole situation in the country, and knowing, that we have the power and can influence the course of history and the course of events in order to revive our great homeland - Ukraine, we take responsibility for our land!
For this purpose, according to the fact that the Ukrainian people as the bearer of sovereignty and the sole source of power in Ukraine, as the sole owner of all national wealth of Ukraine (including the land and its natural resources), as well as each individual citizen as a representative of the people of Ukraine - sources of power and as a co-owner of this national wealth, in accordance with Articles 5, 8, 13, 19, 22, 24, 38, 60, 68, 69, 85, 92, 106, 116, 119, 121, 124, 140, 142, 143 , 147 and other norms of the Constitution of Ukraine
WE, THE PEOPLE OF UKRAINE (citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities),
to you, dear «servants of the people»:
to you, dear «servants of the people»:
1. We BAN the sale of the Motherland - our Ukrainian lands!
We, as owners (proprietors) of Ukrainian land, command you to protect and manage our property, DO NOT SELL UKRAINIAN LAND.
Since, according to Article 13 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the land and other natural resources of Ukraine are the property rights of the Ukrainian people (citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities), then each citizen is the co-owner of all land, resources in the territory of Ukraine and these property objects are in the GENERAL COMMON PROPERTY (not partial) of all citizens of Ukraine. And the land disposal through sale requires the consent of ALL co-owners, whereas the consent of all citizens of Ukraine to sell the land. We, the citizens of Ukraine, express directly our CONTENTION for the sale of land.
We deprive ourselves, our children, future generations of wealth (the land), by selling our Ukrainian land!
2. Our forests are our lungs! Therefore, we BAN the limitless deforestation and removal of our forests abroad and instruct to replace continuous deforestation with selective!
3. WE DECLARE ABOUT THE NECESSESSITY OF MANDATORY introduction OF GREEN PLANTING PLANTS (forests and forest strips) in the territory of Ukraine. The favorable temperature of the outlet of the water source to the surface is about 4 degrees Celsius. And this is possible only in large multilevel forests. Due to widespread deforestation, the water horizons fall lower. In order to stop the process and to reverse it, the total area of new plantations must be at least three times greater than the area that has been already cut in the last 30 years. To deprive citizens of water is genocide!
4. WE BAN THE COMPULSORY vaccination of children (information from various sources is true that it is a direct genocide of the population of the country). And according to Part 3 of Article 28 of the Constitution of Ukraine, no person, without his or her voluntary consent, can be subjected to medical, scientific or other experiments.
5. We BAN the introduction of 5G-internet in Ukraine (according to the mental, energy and physical dangers for each person)
6. Our Earth is Alive! In the same way, as we are! Therefore, we BAN the brutal ways of producing gas and oil: the use of hydraulic fracturing of layers, toxic chemicals and the mass illegal extraction of our gas and oil by foreign representatives...
7. We BAN the use into the food of the Ukrainian people of products containing GMOs (genetically modified organisms).
8. We want to live in a clean country, drink clean water, be healthy and eat clean food, so we BAN the use of toxic chemical protection and synthetic mineral fertilizers in the arable lands of Ukraine in the cultivation of agricultural products (all this poison will be inevitably consumed drinking water! This is already a sad fact of our countryside). There is a good positive experience of growing products without the use of «chemistry» - there are such farms, including large-scale ones, in Ukraine!
9. WE BAN THE LEGALIZATION OF DRUGS. How can one legalize what contributes to the moral decay of man and society?!
10. We entrust the adoption of the popular idea of family estate at the legislative level, including to amend the Constitution of Ukraine accordingly. «Article 48 of the Appendix 1. One hectare of land is allocated free of charge to every Ukrainian family who wish to settle it. The land is earmarked for life with a right of inheritance. Products produced in the family land, like the land itself, are not subjected by any taxes».
(«Стаття 48 прим.1 Конституції України. Кожній бажаючій українській сім’ї безоплатно виділяється один гектар землі для облаштування на ньому родового помістя. Земля виділяється у довічне користування з правом передачі у спадщину. Вироблена у родовому помісті продукція, як і сама земля, не обкладається ніякими податками»).
In nine years since the relevant amendment to the Constitution of the country on the family estate will reduce unemployment in the country, providing a living wage for impoverished families, solving problems with refugees and many other good things.
Each family will create a beautiful paradise, taking the land, which is allocated free of charge for the lifetime use with the right to inherit one hectare of land, then such a family will arrange a family estate on this land. And all the great Motherland, Ukraine, will turn into a blooming paradise garden.
THIS IS OUR NATIONAL WILL - you know it now, and please accept it!
Ukraine will be Blooming, Healthy, Strong and Happy! This is how we see it in the future! And it will always be so! And so it be!
Date Signature
(Note: this is a Letter to the Ukrainian authorities with annexes in Ukrainian or Russian, whichever language is more convenient, can be sent by mail with a notification to each Ukrainian authority, both individually - by themselves and by a group of people.
It is important to send an Message with Appendices so that officials know our will.
If you personally send the Message, be sure to provide your name, telephone, series and passport number of the citizen of Ukraine, place of residence, date, signature.
If from a group of people, has been provided below a sample of the table for collecting signatures,where each page indicates that it is an Appendix to the Message, with the page number.
Would be better to prepare a signed Message with Attachment in triplicate, to sign the each of them and send separately to the President, Parliament, Government.
And it would be better to make a fourth copy, just in case, just to keep it or make a copy of the Message with Attachment before sending it.
The interested can send photocopies of the collected signatures to the Message on the e-mail
Moreover, everyone can also send the message with the letter to the international community attached below (below the Annex according to the Extracts from the Constitution of Ukraine) to the governors and governments of different countries, international organizations, their missions stating that the people of Ukraine ban the sale of Ukrainian land, and any such agreement with respect to Ukrainian land, shall be declared void (unconstitutional) and shall be at your own risk without refund of the money spent for the purchase of that land.
It is better to send the Messages to the international community with adding copies of the Message to the authorities of Ukraine with the Annex of extracts from the Constitution of Ukraine (as justification) with copies of collected signatures by mail (post) or e-mail, to the relevant States, Governors, Governments of different States, international organizations and other interested parties.
There are versions of the Message in Russian, Ukrainian and English:
Post and e-mail addresses of various Ukrainian authorities and international communities can be found in the Internet.
Appendix for the signatures on Full Album Sheet is attached.
Sample of the Annex to the Message from the People of Ukraine
(The will to declare a ban on the sale of our Ukrainian land) - signature sheets
Page № _1_
(The will to declare a ban on the sale of our Ukrainian land) - signature sheets
Page № _1_
№ | Name, phone contacts | Passport, number, series | Place of residence | Date | Signature |
1 | Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, tel. 050-111-11-11 | АА 123456 | v. Buda, Ivankiv district, Cherkasy region | 00.00.00 | Ivanov |
2 | |
Appendix to the Message from the people of Ukraine
(The will to declare a ban on the sale of our Ukrainian land)
- Excerpts from the Constitution of Ukraine
(The will to declare a ban on the sale of our Ukrainian land)
- Excerpts from the Constitution of Ukraine
Excerpts from the Constitution of Ukraine:
(Note: after careful and thoughtful study of the Constitution of Ukraine, we can find many legal norms for securing and protecting the rights of primary power - the people, territorial communities.
Article 5 of the Constitution of Ukraine defines – people are the only source of power (citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities), who exercise power directly and through the bodies of state power and local self-government bodies, as well as Article 140 of the Constitution of Ukraine, - that local self-government is exercised by the territorial community (residents of the settlement) directly and through local self-government bodies.
Article 13 of the Constitution of Ukraine states that the land, resources... are objects of property of the Ukrainian people (citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities). Article 142 of the Constitution of Ukraine - land, resources... are owned by the territorial communities (residents of the settlement).
Preamble. A constitution is Main Law of Ukraine.
«…on behalf of the Ukrainian people - citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities».
Article 3. A person, his life and health, honor and dignity, integrity and security are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value.
Human rights and freedoms and their guarantees determine the content and orientation of the state. The state is responsible to the person for its activities. The assertion and protection of human rights and freedoms are the main duties of the state.
Article 5. Ukraine is a republic.
The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the sole source of power in Ukraine. The people exercise their power directly and through state and local self-government bodies.
Article 13. The land, its subsoil, atmospheric air, water and other natural resources that are within the territory of Ukraine, natural resources of its continental shelf, exclusive (maritime) economic zone are objects of property of the Ukrainian people. On behalf of the Ukrainian people, the rights of the owner shall be exercised by state authorities and local self-government bodies within the limits defined by this Constitution. (Comment: In the Constitution of Ukraine aren`t envisage the powers of the authorities to dispose the property of the people, but provide only for management and protection of land).
Article 14. The Land is a major national treasure under special protection of the state.
(Comment: In Article 13 of the Constitution of Ukraine is mentioned that the Ukrainian people are citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities, consequently, every citizen of Ukraine, regardless of belonging to any nationality, owns land and resources.
Also in Article 13 of the Constitution of Ukraine states that «On behalf of the Ukrainina people, the rights of the owner shall be exercised by the state authorities and local self-government bodies within the limits defined by this Constitution».
In Part 1 of Article 14 of the Constitution of Ukraine - «Land is the main national treasure, which is under special protection of the state».
It turns out that the state (through its organs of state power) according to Part 1 of Article 14 of the Constitution of Ukraine only protects the land, and does not dispose it - the Constitution of Ukraine define only this limit of the representation the rights of owners (the people) by the state (in the person of its organs of state power).
Therefore, the state (through the organs state authorities) only protects the land, since only this is prescribed in the Constitution.
Since, according to Article 13 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the land and other natural resources of Ukraine are the objects of property rights of the Ukrainian people (citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities), then each citizen is the co-owner of all land, resources in the territory of Ukraine and these property objects are in the GENERAL COMMON PROPERTY (not partial) of all citizens of Ukraine. And for the disposal of the land, by sale, requires the consent of ALL co-owners, that is, the consent of all citizens of Ukraine for the sale of land. We, the citizens of Ukraine, express our direct DISSIDENCE on the sale of land.
For example, to sell a home owned by the family requires the consent of every adult family member. Without the consent of even one person this house can not sold. And the notary will not certify this agreement before the written consent of each co-owner of this house is provided).
Article 140. Local self-government is the right of a territorial community - residents of a village or voluntary association in a rural community of residents of several villages, settlements and cities - to resolve issues of local importance independently within the framework of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.
Part 3. Local self-government shall be exercised by the territorial community in accordance with the procedure established by law, both directly and through local self-government bodies: village, settlement, city councils and their executive bodies;
Article 142. The material and financial basis of local self-government are movable and immovable property, local budget revenues, other funds, land, natural resources owned by territorial communities of villages, settlements, cities, districts in cities, as well as objects of their joint property under the management of district and regional councils.
Article 143. Territorial communities of villages, settlements, cities directly or through created by them their local self-government bodies manage the communal property… (Comment: Local self-government bodies are created directly by communities (the community body isn`t created by another community body) and can manage, but not dispose of, community-owned property, and in the interests of the communities, as they exercise local self-government through these bodies.
Article 69. People's will is exercised through elections, referendums and other forms of direct democracy.
Article 8. In Ukraine is recognized and enforced the rule of law.
The Constitution of Ukraine has the highest legal force. Laws and other legal acts are adopted on the basis of the Constitution of Ukraine and must comply with it.
The norms of the Constitution of Ukraine are norms of direct action. The appeal to the court for the protection of the constitutional rights and freedoms of the individual and the citizen directly under the Constitution of Ukraine is guaranteed.
Article 19. The legal order in Ukraine is based on the principles according to which no one can be compelled to do what is not supported by law. (Comment: That is, anyone can do anything that is not prohibited by law - bylaws are not relevant to the law).
State authorities and local self-government bodies, their officials are obliged to act only on the basis, within the powers and in the manner stipulated by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. (Comment: that is, the authorities are forbidden anything that is not allowed by law).
Pursuant to the second paragraph of article 2 of the reasoning part of the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine No. 4-rp of April 19, 2001, the norms of the Constitution of Ukraine apply directly and regardless if the relevant laws or other regulations that have been adopted for their development. Pursuant to the second and third part of Article 382 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, in the case of failure by an official of a decision of the Constitutional Court, is considered the criminal liability with possible imprisonment for a term up to eight years with deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term up to three years.
Article 21. All people are free and equal in their dignity and rights. Rights and freedoms are inalienable and inviolable.
Article 22. The rights and freedoms of man and citizen, enshrined by this Constitution are not exhaustive.
Constitutional rights and freedoms are guaranteed and cannot be abolished.
When enacting new laws or amending existing laws, the content and scope of existing rights and freedoms shall not be narrowed.
Article 157. The Constitution of Ukraine may not be amended if the amendments envisage the abrogation or restriction of the rights and freedoms of the individual and the citizen, or if they are aimed at elimination of independence or violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine.
Article 38. Citizens have the right to participate in the management of state affairs, in all-Ukrainian and local referendums, choose freely and to be elected to state and local self-government bodies.
According to the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, the people, as well as every citizen who exercises power directly, during the exercise of their right to participate in the management of public affairs, have the same powers that are vested in individual officials, from the president to the official and civil servant. Such powers are exercised only in the resolution of matters relating to such a citizen.
Hence, the people and the citizen as the bearer of sovereignty and the sole source of power in Ukraine, as the sole owner of all the national wealth of Ukraine (including the land and its natural resources), is entitled under Articles 5, 8, 13, 19, 22, 24 , 38, 60, 68, 69, 85, 92, 106, 116, 119, 121, 124, 140, 142, 143, 147 of the Constitutions of Ukraine, implement other forms of direct democracy.
Excerpts from Ukrainian legislation were used on the 13th of September, 2019.
Appendix to the Message from the people of Ukraine
(The will to declare a ban on the sale of our Ukrainian land) - signature sheets
Page № ___
(The will to declare a ban on the sale of our Ukrainian land) - signature sheets
Page № ___
№ | Name, phone contacts | Passport, number, series | Place of residence | Date | Signature |
(Note to the MESSAGE FROM THE PEOPLE OF UKRAINE to the International Community (The will to declare a ban on the sale of our Ukrainian land!):
Everyone can send a message to the international community for the governors and governments of different countries, international organizations, their missions, stating that the people of Ukraine prohibit the sale of Ukrainian lands, and any such agreements regarding the Ukrainian land are declared invalid (unconstitutional) and are carried out at your own risk without repayment of the money spent on the purchase of this land.
It is better to send messages to the international community with added copies of the Message to the authorities of Ukraine with the Annex of extracts from the Constitution of Ukraine (as justification) with copies of collected signatures by mail or e-mail. to the relevant States, Governors, Governments of different States, international organizations and other interested parties.
It is important to send the Message with Appendices for the acknowledge our will to the international community.
Could be sent:
different states, rulers and governments of different states,
international organizations, such as the UN (United Nations), the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the Fed (Federal Reserve), the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development), the EU (European Union), the CoE (Council of Europe), the EAU (Eurasian Union), UAEU (Eurasian Economic Union) and other international organizations
multinational corporations, agricultural holdings (including Ukrainian),
representatives of the world community, clergy, other nations and states,
businessmen, merchants, lawyers, printed and electronic medias (embassies, consulates, diplomatic missions,
and other interested parties.
The Ukrainian Diaspora (Ukrainians who have become nationals of other countries) can send this Message to the international community with the Appendices to their governments and governments, their central and regional media, etc.
This Message with Appendices could be sent by mail, either individually, personally or by a group of individuals.
Above this Message is the Attachment with Signatures on the entire album sheet.
The interested can send photocopies of the collected signatures to the E-mail
There are versions of the Message in Russian, Ukrainian and English:
(Post and e-mail addresses of various Ukrainian authorities and international communities could be found on the Internet.)
THIS IS THE TEXT TO the international community (for sending to the international organizations):
(And it could be added to the MESSAGE for sending to the Ukrainian authorities).
MESSAGE FROM THE PEOPLE OF UKRAINE to the international community
(The will to declare a ban on the sale of our Ukrainian land!)
(The will to declare a ban on the sale of our Ukrainian land!)
To the international community,
the peoples living in the Earth and their representatives,
other international organizations,
different countries,
to the rulers and governments of different states,
multinational corporations, agroholdings
and other interested parties
the peoples living in the Earth and their representatives,
other international organizations,
different countries,
to the rulers and governments of different states,
multinational corporations, agroholdings
and other interested parties
DIRECT WILL The Ukrainian people as the bearer of sovereignty and sole source of power in Ukraine, as the sole owner of all national wealth of Ukraine (including all land and its natural resources), as well as every individual as a representative of the people of Ukraine - a source of power and as a co-owner of this national wealth:
««WE, THE PEOPLE of UKRAINE (citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities), we RESOLUTELY PUT THE PROHIBITION ON THE SALE OF OUR Native LAND!».
We rely on the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine (dated July 16, 1990), which formed the basis for the creation of the present Constitution of Ukraine, the "Declaration of Independence of Ukraine" (dated August 24, 1991), and directly on the Constitution of Ukraine (dated 28 July 1990). June 1996), as its Main Law, and use our LEGAL and INFRINGING RIGHT of the People of Ukraine!
For this purpose, according to the fact that the Ukrainian people as the bearer of sovereignty and the sole source of power in Ukraine, as the sole owner of all national wealth of Ukraine (including the land and its natural resources), as well as each individual citizen as a representative of the people of Ukraine - sources of power and as a co-owner of this national wealth, in accordance with Articles 5, 8, 13, 19, 22, 24, 38, 60, 68, 69, 85, 92, 106, 116, 119, 121, 124, 140, 142, 143 , 147 and other norms of the Constitution of Ukraine,
WE, THE PEOPLE OF UKRAINE (citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities),
to you, dear members of the international community:
to you, dear members of the international community:
We BAN the sale of the Motherland - our Ukrainian lands!
We, as owners (owners) of the Ukrainian land, are ordering the state authorities and local self-government bodies of Ukraine, which protect and manage our property, DO NOT TO SELL UKRAINIAN LAND.
Since, according to Article 13 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the land and other natural resources of Ukraine are the property rights of the Ukrainian people (citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities), then each citizen is the co-owner of all land, resources in the territory of Ukraine and these property objects are in the GENERAL COMMON PROPERTY (not partial) of all citizens of Ukraine. And the land disposal through sale requires the consent of ALL co-owners, whereas the consent of all citizens of Ukraine to sell the land. We, the citizens of Ukraine, express directly our CONTENTION for the sale of land.
We deprive ourselves, our children, future generations of wealth (the land), by selling our Ukrainian land!
DECLARATION of the people of Ukraine on the prohibition of sale of land of Ukraine
The international community, the peoples that inhabit the earth, and the representatives
We, the people of Ukraine (citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities), on the basis of our international and constitutional rights, declare following to the international community and to representatives of other nations, states, international organizations and any other public entities.
Today the state authorities of Ukraine are preparing a draft law on the sale of land.
We would like to inform you that this draft law or any other adopted law of Ukraine on the sale of land is unconstitutional, anti-social and violates human rights.
Therefore, even if this law for the sale on land in Ukraine is passed by the current representatives of the legislature, then, in essence, it will not have legal, constitutional basis and legal force.
We inform everyone that any agreement made through any law of Ukraine on the sale of land for the purchase of Ukrainian land by them is not supported by the people of Ukraine and will be considered unconstitutional (illegal).
Based on this, the people of Ukraine will continue to regard land sold under this law as property of the people of Ukraine. Also, the people of Ukraine will not hold themselves responsible for the refund of the money spent during the conclusion of such an agreement, as a party that did not participate in the agreement.
We appeal to representatives of the international community, international organizations, governors and governments of different countries, transnational corporations, agroholdings, clergy, businessmen, merchants, lawyers, representatives of other nations and states, other interested parties to refuse to participate in any agreements under any law Ukraine on the sale of Ukrainian land as such violating the fundamental foundations of life and consent of society.
THIS IS OUR NATIONAL WILL - you know it now, and please accept it!
Ukraine will be Blooming, Healthy, Strong and Happy! This is how we see it in the future! And it will always be so! And so it be!
- copies of a MESSAGE FROM THE PEOPLE OF UKRAINE to the authorities of Ukraine (The Will to declare a ban on the sale of our Ukrainian land!) With the Appendices of excerpts from the Constitution of Ukraine - justification that the people of Ukraine (citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities) - the only source of power in Ukraine, as the sole owner of all of Ukraine's national wealth (including all land and its natural resources), as well as each individual citizen as a representative of the people of Ukraine - the source of power and as the co-owner of this national wealth. And the authorities - as servants of the people, are obliged (empowered) to protect the land and to manage it, but not to dispose, including by sale.
- copies of a small part of the collected signatures, for example, from the citizens of Ukraine - co-owners of the Ukrainian land.
Date Signature
* - UN (United Nations), IMF (International Monetary Fund), Fed (Federal Reserve System), EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development), EU (European Union), CoE (Council of Europe), EAU (Eurasian Union), The EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union).
(Note: Download Word Printable Messages in version from 13.09.2019, with additions from 14.10.2019, including the Message to the international association:
- in English
- in Ukraninan
- in Russian
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